Commodore Decatur Yacht Club
is a not-for-profit sailing club devoted to promoting the sport of sailing on Lake Decatur. Additionally, its members strive to make sailing in Decatur accessible for anyone with an interest in recreational sailing. This is accomplished by providing a safe and friendly environment where individuals can participate regardless of their experience level.
MembershipCDYC is a sailing club made up of many different individuals and families from around the region. Anyone wanting to sail on Lake Decatur is welcome to become a member. Regular members are entitled to store their sailboat at the club year-round for a very affordable price. Associate Members who demonstrate proficiency may check out club keelboats for free. Whether you are a seasoned sailing veteran or a novice wanting to learn how to sail, this club is for you. Social events are part of the club atmosphere as well. Check out some of the activities on the Events tab. The Clinton Marina Sailing Club is now an auxiliary of CDYC. CDYC membership now includes access to both clubs for one low price! Join today. | Sea Leg SaturdaysAdults who have completed Learn to Sail Part 1 are welcome to take a free sailboat ride on a Saturday. RSVP (see below) and show your certificate of completion upon arrival. Associate Members (only $100/year) can keep coming back every Saturday and learn to sail for free and sail club-owned sailboats. Our Sea Leg Saturdays effort allows new sailors to develop their skills and build confidence with the help of more experienced club sailors. Register here for a free sailboat ride and Bob Reible will follow up and confirm a date and time that works best for you. | RacingCDYC is home to the Commodore Cup Regatta in May while our auxiliary Clinton Marina Sailing Club hosts weekly Wednesday Night Beer Can Racing and the Glow in the Dark Regatta in September. These two Flying Scot one-design regattas attract racers from all over the country. We also have Lightning and Scow enthusiasts who are always looking for crew. CDYC maintains a fleet of Flying Scots to support club beer can racing and regatta racing efforts. These club sailboats can be charted to to race in local and regional races and regattas. If you interested in racing, please contact Eric Bussell ( |