The projected weather for August 5 was thunderstorms. We are changing the event to Saturday, August 12, 2023.
Come and enjoy the annual shrimp (low country) boil and festivities in the warmth of the August sunset on Lake Decatur. John also plans to prepare jerk chicken for those of us who are not fond of shrimp.
Members are asked to pay $10/person and bring a side dish or dessert to share. Funds are used to offset the cost of the meat. To allow for accurate food purchase, please register by August 1, 2023.
The club will provide the meat, table service, water and music. Door prizes will not be solicited, but if you have something you have won in past years, feel free to bring for a drawing for a new winner.
Cocktails at 5:30, food should be ready around 6:00.